
Our solutions

logo SL Irrigation


SL-Irrigation is a Sainte-Lizaigne’s activity dedicated to irrigation systems. Sainte-Lizaigne designs, produces and sells metering and raw water distribution equipments under this label.

SL-Irrigation’s customers are rural arrangement companies, trade associations of farmers or distributors/retailers for the agricultural world.

These products are made either to carry water from the natural environment or from dedicated networks to irrigation installations, or to provide reliable metering instruments.


Installations vannes et box connectées wayve retours clients


WAYVE is a smart systems range designed to automatize drinking water networks maintenance.

Each box is dedicated to one specific issue you may meet by exploiting a drinking water network or any installation connected to it.
Each box will be delivered ready-to-install in a pack including all the required materials.





Water quality maintenance

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   Freeze protection for pipes  

Download product sheet




Water delivery depending on human    

Download product sheet




Leakages detection and
mastered consumptions

Download product sheet 












- WAYVE box

- Wayve_Mobile app

- Quickstart guide

- Customer support

- Software updating


- Web platform

- SIGFOX or LORAWAN connection






 *5 years commitment


Learn more about WAYVE smart boxes for water networks...


> Smart box TEMP

Issue : Freeze protection
Network manager : Water Department
Network Structure : 700 km for 20 000 subscribers

This Water Department was facing a risk of frost for one of its network pipes. This pipeline section is made of polyurethane (PUR) and is built in a bridge over a railway road. It feeds one house. A TEMP box has been installed and creates water flows regularly. This way, pipes are protected from frost using only 40m3 of water for 3 months instead of 2160 m3 used for the winter season previously.


> Smart box CLEAN

Issue : standing water
Network manager : Water Department

Network structure : 1000 km for 21 000 subscribers in 40 municipalities, rural environment

The network manager was facing standing water issues on a pipeline section feeding 2 vacations homes. Tap water was clouded and could not be drank. The Water Department's workers had to travel to this place regularly to create a water purge. They spent about 1.5 hours making the journey every time. This operation is now automatized with the smart system CLEAN. The water quality came back to normal.

Issue : standing water
Network manager : Water Department
Network structure : 90 000 subscribers, rural environment

The smart box CLEAN has been installed on the drinking water network in a conurbation with 90.000 subscribers. It helps maintaining the water network thanks to daily automatized flushing pipe at a network endpoint. The Water Department workers set a time-delay so that the water shut off automatically in case of water-meter dysfunction. One month after the installation, the Water Department is satisfied with this system. It simplifies the water network management and minimizes travels of the workers.

Issue : standing water
Network manager : Water Department

Network structure : 47 000 subscribers in 248 municipalities, rural environment

This Water Department was facing standing water issues on a 600 meters cast-iron pipeline section feeding one house. Once the automatic purge system CLEAN has been installed, the drinking water quality came back to normal. The Water Department is satisfied with this compact module installed inside a meter chamber. It purges 1m3 of water per week automatically. The workers like the user-friendly app that they use easily.

Issue : standing water
Network manager : Private manager

An automatic purge system CLEAN has been installed for subscribers complaining about rust-coloured drinking water. this smart valve solved this problem and minimized travels for the network manager's workers. The water quantity dedicated to the maintenance of this pipeline section is now controlled and streamlined.

Issue : VCM rate higher than usual
Network manager : Water Department

A network manager detected a high VCM rate (Vinyl Chloride Monomer) in a water pipeline section. He decided to install a smart box CLEAN to purge this pipe automatically. This valve has been instalmed on a 2 km PVC pipe ND 50 which feeds 3 houses. 150 liters daily purges have been programmed. This way, the VCM rate came back under the  tolerance level established by the standard in force, instead of 4,85 μg/L previously.

Issue : VCM rate higher than usual
Network manager : Water Department
Network structure : feeds 89 municipalities

Two smart boxes CLEAN have been installed on water meter brackets to correct a VCM rate higher than usual. The problem was solved thanks to a 500 liters daily purge for the first valve and a 2m3 daily purge for the second one. Those installations balanced the poor draft in this pipes from before 1980's.





Download the CLEAN product sheet - automatic flushes

Download the TEMP product sheet - frost free system




Optimize your water network management with the smart systems    : remote opening/closing of the water, alarm in case of unusual consumption, history and statistics...

Thanks to the dedicated app and online platform, you will be able to switch many valves positions from a unique interface.


Optimize your water network management
Prevent most of the leakage damages


Download the product sheet